A Study on the Relationship of Type III Radio Bursts CME and Solar Flares Observed During the Active Period Of October-November 2003

M. Thanassa1, E. Mitsakou2, P. Preka-Papadema1, X. Moussas1, C. Caroubalos2, P. Tsitsipis3, A. Kontogeorgos3

1Department of Physics, University of Athens, Greece
2Department of Informatics, University of Athens, Greece
3Techical Institute of Lamia, Greece

The period 20 October to 5 November 2003 was one of intense activity; some hundreds of type III bursts were recorded by the ARTEMIS–IV radio spectrograph (20 – 650 MHz) and the WIND/WAVES (14 MHz – 20 kHz). This results from the injection and propagation of near relativistic electrons from the base of the corona to a heliocentric distance of almost 1 AU. For a number of these type III events association with GOES SXR/Hα flare and/or SOHO/LASCO CME was established. We study the variation of characteristic type III parameters in terms of theirs association, or absence thereof, with CME and/or flares.