V.M. Bogod1, L.V. Yasnov2
1Special Astrophysical
Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
2Research Institute of Radiophysics,
St.Petersburg State University, Russia
In this work we use the multiwave observations of radiotelescope RATAN-600 of the polarized radio emission of active regions in a microwave range for development of a method of determination of a magnetic field structure of active regions at coronal heights. Magnetic induction of about 1000 G have place at big enough heights in an atmosphere of the Sun (from 10 up to 40 Mm), that well confirms observations of magnetic loops in a ultraviolet, and also corresponds to the previous radio-astronomical measurements of a magnetic field at a level of transition region and corresponds within the limits of dipol model of a magnetic field to vertical gradients of a photosphere magnetic field.